Today I attended a Webinar that discussed the 6 steps to becoming a Viral Educator. I found this to be a very valuable webinar in order to get organised and get ready for the next step of my adventure of becoming a great technology teacher, school coordinator, technology specialist, etc.
These 6 steps were presented by: Steven Anderson
Twitter @web20classroom
Some of you may feel that there are more or less then 6 steps. Please feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts on becoming a viral educator.
Step 1: Form a Brand (your online profile)
- It's all about your digital footprint
- Name - Always use the same spelling (Middle initial or not)
Step 2: Get connected
Alec Couros, PhD Thesis illustration, the Networked Teacher ... |
Step 3: Share
- A two way connection - give information back
Step 4: Reflect and think (reflections helps us grow and learn)
- Start a blog
- Ask questions
This is the blog post created by Alec Couros with a voicethread using the "connected teacher" image 5: Grow
- Take time to engage in edchat, read others' blogs, comment, and post new info.
- Read others people posts, tweets, etc that think differently than you do
Step 6: Have fun
- Always remember to Have Fun
Thanks for reading!
And If you are just getting started, start with Twitter, follow me : @canadianteched and check out : Social Media Getting Started: